To reflect the light of faith and hope to activate the gifts of the community in service of others.

Our Vision Story

We are all called to be saints.

As the Catholic Action
we strive to:

Connect the needs and the resources throughout our network, by acting as a bridge...
a conduit of faith made alive through the sharing of talents
of one neighbour in service of another.

Call forth, nurture, and support the virtue of stewardship in
each of our members, volunteers, partners and friends.

Collect stories that witness to faith in action, that serve as an invitation to take part in a community of hope.

Expand our operational structure to be strong, formalized, and fully funded... trusting in Providence.

Reflect openness and generosity to the community with gifts of guidance, tools of discernment, and shared wisdom; to act as an incubator for ideas, supporting people in dreaming dreams while offering the means to help see them come true!

We invite you to journey with us.

Meet our Board of Directors

Jessica-Anne Jalea
Interim Executive Director
Anna Graham
Patrick Gillespie
Cathie Macauly
Paul Donovan
Board Member
Kathleen-Rose Kennedy
Board Member
Fr. Kevin Kelly, SJ
Board Member
Fr. Anthony Atansi
Board Member
Hannah Marie Pambuan
Board Member
Jeremy Bieman
Board Member
Archbishop Christian Lépine
Board Member